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☑ Wide range of irrigation equipment for farms, growers, & gardens

☀ IrrigationUK - One stop shop for all irrigation

Weather in UK for Irrigation

Due to the recent events of the heatwave, the attention towards the Pumping Systems UK has increased significantly to water the plants and gardens on the right timings. Nobody was expecting the heatwave and then its prolonging and its crunching effect on both plants and humans.

The watering during the peak sunshine is never recommended as it can burn the plants. Instead, the much-needed drinking water to the plants should be given in the evening when the temperatures are relatively calm and cooler. In this scenario, the auto pumping system can work best. The timer can be set for the desired hours in the evening to water the whole field. Watering the plants in the evening retain water for the longer duration.

On the other hand, when the winter comes the precautionary measures are different. Yes, the majority do not like to go near water in this time of the year J, but taking some few steps in this season will give you the fewer headaches later.

  • Turning off the irrigation system water supply from the main valve, overall disconnects any water feeds from the main water or downpipes
  • Do not let the water timers or controller stays outside in the freezing conditions, keep them indoors
  • Freezing water expands and could burst the pipes. Drain water from the pipes as much as possible. Obviously, every single drop cannot be removed; but the lesser is better

Irrigation UK is working closely with the recognized brands and distributors to serve its customers better. For selecting the quality Pumping Systems UK for domestic or industrial use, do not hesitate to contact our technical team for complete guidance.

With 25 years of Technical experience, the highly efficient and experienced Team of  is available to give an expert advice to any of your irrigation queries. Contact us from 8 am to 8 pm, Monday through Saturday and book an appointment to discuss your query. Our highly competent Team and Friendly Technical advisor will serve you till you are satisfied.

Contact Us

Mob 07768 347 274

24 Pembroke Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2JD

Available Mon – Fri, 9am to 5pm.
Correspondence address only. We have no trade or retail desk.


We are members of the Federation of Small Businesses

About IrrigationUK

IrrigationUK supply a wide range of water irrigation systems, watering and swimming pool products to farmers, gardeners, small holders, farms, golf courses, hotels and factories etc.

IrrigationUK is owned and operated by TBDC Ltd, Company number 07672413 registered in England at the address. VAT Number GB 230 0039 75.

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