IrrigationUK stock and supply everything you need for your green house and glasshouse irrigation and watering. Everything for small fruit, flowers, and vegetable irrigation, from hose and pipe, to valves, pumps, timers, meters, filters, sprinklers, and drip irrigation.
Whilst our web site displays a wide range of irrigation equipment, we don’t display everything, but we can normally supply pretty much everything for your watering needs.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, call our friendly team and we will help:
Tel 01284 753 865 or 07768 347 274
Click on the categories below for more sub categories and products…
Automatic Hydraulic Filters (6)
Black Weld Fittings (8)
Brass Ball Valves (4)
Brass Fittings (18)
Caste Butterfly Valve DN (1)
Caste Iron Gate Valve DN (3)
Caste Non Return Valves (4)
Filters & Housings (15)
Galvanized BSP (3)
Hose Couplers & Joiners (97)
Jason Compression Fittings (18)
Metal BSP fittings (54)
Metal Valves (24)
PP Compression Fittings (40)
Pressure Vessels (WRAS) (3)
Pumps & Pumping Equipment (39)
PVC Pipe Fittings (40)
PVC Pipes & Clips (3)
PVC Valves & Flanges (13)
Rainwater Harvesting (11)
Slurry Hose & Fittings (5)
Spiral Suction Delivery (3)
Stainless Steel (23)
Storz Couplings (9)
Torsino (1)
Water Meters & Gauges (8)