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☑ Wide range of irrigation equipment for farms, growers, & gardens

☀ IrrigationUK - One stop shop for all irrigation

Farmers First Choice for High Quality Irrigation, Live Stock & Water Transfer for Farms, Agricultural & Commercial

Agricultural and farm irrigation supplies

Agricultural & Farm Irrigation

Everything for farmers: Valves, pipe, hose, pumps, fluid tanks, sprinklers, water meters, filters, water tanks, dosing pumps and everything for your farm and crop irrigation..

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Landscape, garden and sports turf irrigation and watering

Landscape & Sports Irrigation

Large and small landscape and garden watering. Sports turf irrigation requirements can be very specific: popup sprayers, spinning nozzle heads, pipe, valves, water timers, etc.

Livestock watering and feeding

Livestock Feeders & Watering

Everything for pig farmers, poultry farming, and dairy farms: Valves, pipe, hose, pumps, drinkers, nozzles, water meters, filters, water tanks, etc.

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Winter farming: Slurry management and distribution

Slurry Supplies & Management

Equipment for slurry irrigation and winter farm irrigation: Pumps, pipe, fittings, hose, sluice valves, strainers, couplers, distributors, etc.

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Watering for small holders, green houses, glasshouses, polytunnels for fruit, vegetable and flowers

Small Holders, Greenhouse & Nurseries

All watering requirements for small holders, nurseries, greenhouses, glass houses, polytunnels and hot houses. Irrigation for flowers, fruit and vegetables.

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Swimming pool supplies and maintenance

Swimming Pool Supplies

Swimming pool supplies from installation to maintenance:  Pumps, filters, heat pumps and water treatment.

Fish farming and aquaculture supplies

Fish Farming & Aquaculture

We supply a wide range of fish farming equipment from pumps, water filtration and purification, pipe, valves, filter tanks, steel breeding tanks, etc.

This Season’s featured products

Lowest prices across the whole web site - Contact us for larger orders for the best price.

Contact Us

Mob 07768 347 274

24 Pembroke Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2JD

Available Mon – Fri, 9am to 5pm.
Correspondence address only. We have no trade or retail desk.


We are members of the Federation of Small Businesses

About IrrigationUK

IrrigationUK supply a wide range of water irrigation systems, watering and swimming pool products to farmers, gardeners, small holders, farms, golf courses, hotels and factories etc.

IrrigationUK is owned and operated by TBDC Ltd, Company number 07672413 registered in England at the address. VAT Number GB 230 0039 75.

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